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Josef Umdasch Forschungspreis 2018

Erstmals richtete sich der seit 1991 vergebene Preis an internationale Start-Ups. Und die Übung gelang: 135 Einreichungen unter anderem aus Nepal, China, dem Sudan sowie den USA.

Nishan Chandi Shrestha von Eco Cell Industries beim Pitch. Foto: Philipp Benedikt
Nishan Chandi Shrestha von Eco Cell Industries beim Pitch. Foto: Philipp Benedikt eco-cell-industries-nepal-c-philipp-benedikt

Der im Herbst 2017 ausgeschriebene Josef Umdasch Forschungspreis beinhaltete wie immer ganz konkrete Themenstellungen von allen drei Unternehmen der Umdasch Group: Doka, Umdasch Shopfitting sowie Doka Ventures.

Gewinner Doka | Schwerpunkt: Learning & Education

Polycular (Österreich) beschreibt mittels Gamification-Ansatz eine Learning-Journey, die es ermöglichen soll, spielerisch Wissen und Inhalte besser vermitteln und aufnehmen zu können.

Gewinner Umdasch Shopfitting | Schwerpunkt: Business & Commerce

Jingle (Österreich) entwickelt auf Chatbot-Basis den persönlichen digitalen

Gewinner Doka Ventures | Smart Settlement & Urbanization

Kewazo (Deutschland) revolutioniert den Gerüstebau durch den Einsatz von

Spontaner Sonderpreis für Eco Cell Industries (Nepal)

Im Bereich "Smart Settlement & Urbanization" langten derart überzeugende Beiträge ein ,dass die Jury spontan  einen Sonderpreis der Umdasch Foundation an Eco Cell Industries aus Nepal verlieh.

Vor allem der soziale Aspekt der aufgezeigten Lösung überzeugte die Juroren. Das Social-Start-up Eco Cell Industries (Nepal) verfolgt die Idee eines erdbebensicheren Siedlungsbaus mittels ineinandergreifender, mechanisch gepresster Ziegel, die zum Großteil aus lokal zur Verfügung stehenden Materialien hergestellt werden.

About Eco Cell Industries (Nepal)

Eco Cell Industries was established in the aermath of devastating earthquake of 2015 to reinvent traditional building technology, providing safe, economic, comfortable and sustainable reconstruction strategy that villager could aord, own and pass to their children. We manufacture interlocking bricks, which can build earthquake resistant houses. We transfer this technology to the disaster aected villages where there is no roadways or electricity. We setup manual machine in such village, train local people (specially earthquake victims), use local soil and produce interlocking bricks locally to build their house. We now aim to transfer this technology to other disaster prone countries.

Ihre Motivation, warum Eco Cell am Josef Umdasch Forschungspreis teilgenommen hat

To make positive impact in peoples life around the world. Earthen houses has been used since the beginning of human civilization. But it has been forgotten in modern days with discovery of concrete. There is nowhere better houses other than made from earthen technology with regards to cost, thermal insulation, strength and durability. There are a lot of people in the world who cannot afford houses due to higher costs. As this technology is the cheapest, all the lower income people around the world, who live in unsafe houses, can afford it and live a quality life.

On the other side the same earthen technology when given Lego (Interlocking) shape could be the best disaster resistant alternative in disaster prone areas. We cant stop any natural disasters but we can save million lives during earthquake and other disasters by building disaster resistant houses as majority of casualties during disasters are due to crushing by the house itself.

Benefits der Idee

  1. The bricks interlocks with each other and reinforced with horizontal and vertical rebars which helps construct earthquake resistant houses.
  2. These bricks are manufactured using local soil. While constructing houses, there is no need to plaster the wall and minimum mortar are used which makes the house at least 30% cheaper to construct and more beautiful compared to houses built with fire oven bricks and other conventional building materials.
  3. The use of soil and the process of compaction makes these bricks good thermal insulator.
  4. There is no any fossil fuel burning, rather the bricks need water curing which gives a hard core smack down to fire oven bricks which are the major cause of air pollution.
  5. We can develop entrepreneurship in local level in remote villages where there is no proper road and electricity access by installing manual machine there and using local soil and local labor.
  6. The answer to sustainable construction material is now here.

Zu den Pitch Präsentationen "Smart Settlement & Urbanization" des Josef Umdasch Foschungspreises 2018.